TBB Series Commercial True Union Ball Valves

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    [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_IOM_EN:akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_IOM_EN_f19d.pdf
    [1] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN:akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN_0d4c.pdf



Electrodes Tabs



    [0] => Array
            [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN
            [1] => akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN_0d4c.pdf


Brochures tab

    [0] => Array
            [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN
            [1] => akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN_0d4c.pdf



    [Description] => Array
            [0] => TBB Series true union ball valves are offered in PVC, CPVC, PP and PVDF. O-rings are FPM or EPDM. Up to 2 in. sizes have socket and threaded end connections. All seats are PTFE.

    [Features] => Array
            [0] => • PVC, CPVC, PP and PVDF Materials
• Full Port Design
• FPM or EPDM Seals
• PTFE Seats
• Double O-Ring Stem Seals
• Adjustable Seat Retainer
            [1] => • PVC Cell Class 12454 per ASTM D1784
• CPVC Cell Class 23447 per ASTM D1784
• GFPP Cell Class 85580 per ASTM D4101
• FPM and EPDM O-Ring Seals

    [Brochures] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN
                    [1] => akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN_0d4c.pdf


    [Manuals] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_IOM_EN
                    [1] => akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_IOM_EN_f19d.pdf


    [Parts] => 
    [Accessories] => 
    [Applications] => Array
            [0] => .

    [Analytical Electrodes] => Array


Analytical Electrodes

    [Description] => Array
            [0] => TBB Series true union ball valves are offered in PVC, CPVC, PP and PVDF. O-rings are FPM or EPDM. Up to 2 in. sizes have socket and threaded end connections. All seats are PTFE.

    [Features] => Array
            [0] => • PVC, CPVC, PP and PVDF Materials
• Full Port Design
• FPM or EPDM Seals
• PTFE Seats
• Double O-Ring Stem Seals
• Adjustable Seat Retainer
            [1] => • PVC Cell Class 12454 per ASTM D1784
• CPVC Cell Class 23447 per ASTM D1784
• GFPP Cell Class 85580 per ASTM D4101
• FPM and EPDM O-Ring Seals

    [Brochures] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN
                    [1] => akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_DataSheet_EN_0d4c.pdf


    [Manuals] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_IOM_EN
                    [1] => akeneo_connector/asset_files/T/B/TBB_Series_Commercial_True_Union_Ball_Valves_IOM_EN_f19d.pdf


    [Parts] => 
    [Accessories] => 
    [Applications] => Array
            [0] => .

    [Analytical Electrodes] => Array


TBB Series true union ball valves are offered in PVC, CPVC, PP and PVDF. O-rings are FPM or EPDM. Up to 2 in. sizes have socket and threaded end connections. All seats are PTFE.

Key Features and Benefits

•   PVC, CPVC, PP and PVDF Materials
•   Full Port Design
•   FPM or EPDM Seals
•   PTFE Seats
•   Double O-Ring Stem Seals
•   Adjustable Seat Retainer

Material Classes

•   PVC Cell Class 12454 per ASTM D1784
•   CPVC Cell Class 23447 per ASTM D1784
•   GFPP Cell Class 85580 per ASTM D4101
•   PVDF
•   FPM and EPDM O-Ring Seals

Typical Applications

Item # Pipe SizeMaterialSealing MaterialEnd Connection TypeOperation Type CAD/BIM Available
TBB1030TPEG3" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; threaded end connections 3 inPVCEPDMThreadedManual
TBB2030FPFG3" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 3 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2040SPEG4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket end connections 4 inCPVCEPDMSocketManual
TBB2030TPEG3" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; threaded end connections 3 inCPVCEPDMThreadedManual
TBB2040FPEG4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 4 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1030FPEG3" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 3 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1030SPEG3" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket end connections 3 inPVCEPDMSocketManual
TBB2005CPFG1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1/2 inCPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2012FPFG1-1/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/4 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1025FPEG2-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 2-1/2 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2040FPFG4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 4 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1025FPFG2-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 2-1/2 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2030FPEG3" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 3 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1040FPEG4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 4 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1020FPFG2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 2 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2012FPEG1-1/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/4 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1010CPEG1" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1 inPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2040TPFG4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; threaded end connections 4 inCPVCFPMThreadedManual
TBB2015FPEG1-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/2 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2005FPFG1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1/2 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1015CPEG1-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/2 inPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2007FPFG3/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 3/4 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1040SPFG4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket end connections 4 inPVCFPMSocketManual
TBB2015CPEG1-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/2 inCPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2025SPEG2-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket end connections 2-1/2 inCPVCEPDMSocketManual
TBB2025TPFG2-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; threaded end connections 2-1/2 inCPVCFPMThreadedManual
TBB2025SPFG2-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket end connections 2-1/2 inCPVCFPMSocketManual
TBB1030SPFG3" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket end connections 3 inPVCFPMSocketManual
TBB2020FPEG2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 2 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1020CPEG2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 2 inPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1020CPFG2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 2 inPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2010CPFG1" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1 inCPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1040FPFG4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 4 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2007CPFG3/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 3/4 inCPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1025SPFG2-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket end connections 2-1/2 inPVCFPMSocketManual
TBB2025TPEG2-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; threaded end connections 2-1/2 inCPVCEPDMThreadedManual
TBB2025FPFG2-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 2-1/2 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1005CPFG1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1/2 inPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1025SPEG2-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket end connections 2-1/2 inPVCEPDMSocketManual
TBB1012FPEG1-1/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/4 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2020CPEG2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 2 inCPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1007FPFG3/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 3/4 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1012CPFG1-1/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/4 inPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2010CPEG1" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1 inCPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2010FPEG1" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2040TPEG4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; threaded end connections 4 inCPVCEPDMThreadedManual
TBB2012CPFG1-1/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/4 inCPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1012FPFG1-1/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/4 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1030FPFG3" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 3 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1007CPEG3/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 3/4 inPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2007CPEG3/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 3/4 inCPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2005FPEG1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1/2 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1015FPFG1-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/2 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1020FPEG2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 2 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1007FPEG3/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 3/4 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1005CPEG1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1/2 inPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1010FPFG1" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1005FPEG1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1/2 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1040TPFG4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; threaded end connections 4 inPVCFPMThreadedManual
TBB1010FPEG1" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2030SPEG3" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket end connections 3 inCPVCEPDMSocketManual
TBB2015FPFG1-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/2 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2020CPFG2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 2 inCPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1010CPFG1" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1 inPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1030TPFG3" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; threaded end connections 3 inPVCFPMThreadedManual
TBB2020FPFG2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 2 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB1015CPFG1-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/2 inPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1012CPEG1-1/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/4 inPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2007FPEG3/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 3/4 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2012CPEG1-1/4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/4 inCPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1007CPFG3/4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 3/4 inPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1025TPEG2-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; threaded end connections 2-1/2 inPVCEPDMThreadedManual
TBB1015FPEG1-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 1-1/2 inPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB2010FPFG1" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1 inCPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2005CPEG1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1/2 inCPVCEPDMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB2030TPFG3" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; threaded end connections 3 inCPVCFPMThreadedManual
TBB2025FPEG2-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; flanged end connections 2-1/2 inCPVCEPDMFlangedManual
TBB1040SPEG4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; socket end connections 4 inPVCEPDMSocketManual
TBB2030SPFG3" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket end connections 3 inCPVCFPMSocketManual
TBB2040SPFG4" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket end connections 4 inCPVCFPMSocketManual
TBB1040TPEG4" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/EPDM o-rings; threaded end connections 4 inPVCEPDMThreadedManual
TBB1005FPFG1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; flanged end connections 1/2 inPVCFPMFlangedManual
TBB2015CPFG1-1/2" CPVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; socket/threaded end connections 1-1/2 inCPVCFPMSocket/ThreadedManual
TBB1025TPFG2-1/2" PVC True Union Ball Valve w/FPM o-rings; threaded end connections 2-1/2 inPVCFPMThreadedManual